Poetree of Life…

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About the Author

Through soulful food and delicious stories passions are fed- Angelica Padmavati Angelica Padmavati calls herself, “a down to earth ethereal goddess” because she believes, “my feet are on the ground and rooted to the earth, but my head is in the clouds with the Angels and the birds.” She worked on the editorial team of…

Artist Statement

To write or not to write? That has never been a question. Throughout most of the time I have spent navigating through my life, writing has saved me many times. I turn to it like a dear friend, waiting to support me. I write, to overcome traumas and tragedies that have showed up in the…

Excerpts from “The Hour of the Gods”

Who am I? I am from the Summer of Love, From bohemian country fair where a peach is the star And escaping domestic violence  I have come so far I am from the riverbanks of Ruch relishing the sun  From becoming a teen mom to being on the run  Mossy rocks knee socks rock and…


Through soulful food and delicious stories passions are fed- Angelica Padmavati

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